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Writer's pictureinsidethekitchenwithmaya

3 Sweet foods to try in Switzerland

Switzerland, a country of mountains, nature, history, etc. They are not the most known place for their cuisine however as a local I find that there are some sweets most people should try from the region.

1. Carac

The most unknown and unheard of sweet ever in my opinion, only really founded in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. It is not necessarily a cookie or cake but more a pastry. Made from chocolate, cream, fondant, and shortbread. You can find them in almost any grocery and bakery. The unappealing green fondant might turn some people off but I promise it does not have any impact on the taste. I remember eating these as a kid after school. One day I was for some reason mad at my mom and I was not speaking to her. She told me that if I stayed silent she would not get a carac and if I started talking I would get a one. So I talked and I got a carac. When I go to the town I grew up in I get this special snack almost every single time.

2. Meringues

Some people are aware that these are swiss and some are not. The real way to have these is with double cream and berries. A little background on double cream. Firstly it is only found in Switzerland. It is made from the highest quality milk from the Gruyere region. You place it on your meringue and top it off with berries. Since the meringue is as hard as a rock it is very important to have the double cream. The berries add a sweet flavour to them. Don't confuse this with a pavlova, those are 2 different things.

3. Swiss chocolate

You've probably already heard of this. They have many different companies, I recommend Villars. The chocolate is very thine and of course, they have a huge variety of flavors and types. My sister is the one who introduced me to them since she was studying in Fribourg and they are from there. She loved it, I don't blame her for it. My favorite is the coffee flavor but I am not a chocolate expert and I am sure that there are some that are better. If that is not your thing I would recommend Cailler and Lindt which are also really good.

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