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  • Writer's pictureinsidethekitchenwithmaya

The orginal Brigadeiro recipe

A simple, yet with so many values is this Brazilian dessert. Very well known in the culture

and absolutely delicious. The sweetness of the condensed milk with the extra flavor given to it is always one thing to enjoy.

Here is the recipe:


-1 can of sweetened condensed milk

-2 tablespoons of cocoa powder(with sugar)

-1 tablespoon of unsalted butter

-1 bag of hageslslag or chocolate sprinkles


-In a small or medium saucepan mix all the ingredients except the chocolate sprinkles

and don't stop stirring. Mix until the batter get's very thick, it might take 10-20 min. You want to place your pan on low or medium heat but not high heat. Bring the dough to a relatively flat plate and place in the freezer until cold and ready to roll up. After about30-1 hour take a tsp and form a little ball in your hands. Also, it is important to inform you that you might want to place some softened butter on our hand to make the rolling of the ball easier. Dip the ball in the chocolate sprinkles, making sure it goes everywhere and in a small paper cup and enjoy.

This is the original recipe that I got written in Portuguese

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